Saturday, June 12, 2010

We Googled You

Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Past Catching Up

This case specifically talks about a dilemma between Fred Westen, the CEO of retailer apparel Hathaway Jones, and Mimi Brewster, a shining star with dull spots, attempting to manage Fred Westen’s Business in China. Basically, Westen wants to expand his business with China and he needs a qualified person to run his business. Mimi Brewster is well overqualified for the particular position and she gets the interview and possibly has a chance to get the job. However, Mr. Westen’s colleague googled Ms. Brewster’s name and she finds out that Ms. Brewster has a past; which possibly could hurt the company in the long run.

Although, Ms. Brewster has a past in her career that could hurt the company; I would still hire for the job as a manager. Yes, she has a negative part in her life, but she also plenty of positive parts as well. One of course, she is qualified for the job unlike the other people that have been interviewed. Two, she has grew up in china so she knows about the tradition and culture. Last, I also wouldn’t want the competition to get a hold of her because I may regret it in the long run as well.

In conclusion, a successful business can’t be successful without a manager taking risk. Everything happens for a reason in life as well as business. Yes, she has baggage, but we all know everyone isn’t perfect. Nevertheless, I would give her the position for the job because my focus would be more about Ms Brewster bringing in the money. I believe that she would be more than capable of doing that so, if that is the only objective in running or expanding a business; why not hire Ms Brewster?

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