Sunday, June 27, 2010

Hyperlinked Society (The New Future)

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Hyperlinked Society

(The New Future)

First of, the good old saying “survival of the fittest,” is taking to a whole new level of technology and environment put together. Many people are surprise that the future is becoming very advance, but some people actually knew it was coming which is why they are successful and wealthy now. For example, Chris Anderson, author of the long tail, had a brilliant theory on one size fits all but Mr. Anderson didn’t think of the new upgrades on advance technology. Mr. Anderson thought that technology was going to be the same, and he didn’t take into considerations on media and television getting involved with the new technology as well. Fragmentation, collapse or breakdown of norms of thought, behavior, or social relationship, simply explains the immediate impact on technology advancing to a higher peak. Furthermore, it’s a new vision in the environment’s eyes when it comes to advance technology and the media getting involved as well.

Next, fragmentation also has a lot to do with the new generation, and the new technology as well. Because the early days only had a couple of channels and thought it was fine, the new generation has a number amount of channels now, due to the new technology. For example, direct television and Cable one expands one’s choice of different channels for any age group causing fragmentation. In other words, fragmentation means out with the old and in with new because technology is only going to get more advance as the generation changes. Also, polarization aims toward the media and also the consumer or in other words the people. Polarization explains the reason technology is getting so advanced because the user or consumer provides the content allows technology to get so advanced.

If the user didn’t get so involve with technology advancement, then things would probably still be the same as they were back in the day. Apparently, public attention with any television show, gadget, website, etc. is also aiming for the most attention because attention is very important in the world today. Similarly, this is all a popularity contest and a fight to the top. In conclusion, “survival of the fittest,” describes this article the simplest way to explain advancing technology. So, technology will keep changing with the generation because that is the only logical thing. One just hopes he or she will be ready for it when it happens

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