Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Tuesday, June 30, 2010


Microsoft announced on May 3 it was dropping its unsolicited bid to buy Yahoo. The surprise move came after a day in which it appeared the two companies might be closing in on a price per share of Yahoo's stock between Microsoft's original $31 a share, half stock and half cash offer and Yahoo's original offer on at least $40 a share. Also, many people don’t know that Yahoo help Google get on their feet. So, Google also offer to buy Yahoo out, but they also turned them down as well. Lastly, Yahoo has recently join forces with the new search engine, Bing, and they plan on really being successful with the new support on their side. In conclusion, one expects for Yahoo to be one of the top businesses once again with all the new moves they expect to pull.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Stock Prices

Microsoft 23.31

Yahoo 14.04

Dell 12.27

Google 454.26

Apple 256.17

Total 760.05

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Hyperlinked Society (The New Future)

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Hyperlinked Society

(The New Future)

First of, the good old saying “survival of the fittest,” is taking to a whole new level of technology and environment put together. Many people are surprise that the future is becoming very advance, but some people actually knew it was coming which is why they are successful and wealthy now. For example, Chris Anderson, author of the long tail, had a brilliant theory on one size fits all but Mr. Anderson didn’t think of the new upgrades on advance technology. Mr. Anderson thought that technology was going to be the same, and he didn’t take into considerations on media and television getting involved with the new technology as well. Fragmentation, collapse or breakdown of norms of thought, behavior, or social relationship, simply explains the immediate impact on technology advancing to a higher peak. Furthermore, it’s a new vision in the environment’s eyes when it comes to advance technology and the media getting involved as well.

Next, fragmentation also has a lot to do with the new generation, and the new technology as well. Because the early days only had a couple of channels and thought it was fine, the new generation has a number amount of channels now, due to the new technology. For example, direct television and Cable one expands one’s choice of different channels for any age group causing fragmentation. In other words, fragmentation means out with the old and in with new because technology is only going to get more advance as the generation changes. Also, polarization aims toward the media and also the consumer or in other words the people. Polarization explains the reason technology is getting so advanced because the user or consumer provides the content allows technology to get so advanced.

If the user didn’t get so involve with technology advancement, then things would probably still be the same as they were back in the day. Apparently, public attention with any television show, gadget, website, etc. is also aiming for the most attention because attention is very important in the world today. Similarly, this is all a popularity contest and a fight to the top. In conclusion, “survival of the fittest,” describes this article the simplest way to explain advancing technology. So, technology will keep changing with the generation because that is the only logical thing. One just hopes he or she will be ready for it when it happens

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Kevin Ham gets the Turkey (Lol)

Thursday, June 18, 2010

Kevin Ham gets the Turkey (Lol)

I think Kevin Ham’s idea was a great investment strategy. Who would think about making money off of people’s mistake? His name is Kevin Ham and I would have done the same thing he did in that particular situation. Despite, the harassing notes he receive people still have to respect his intelligent decision on investing in the domain name .cm. people make mistake all the times and no one is perfect. However, people can’t be mad at Kevin Ham for taking other people’s mistake into consideration. I have said it before, “you can’t be successful without taking some risks.” So, Kevin Ham realized that he was taking a risk, but he still went through his plan in this particular situation. In conclusion, God made no one perfect and everyone is going to make mistakes and that is the truth. However, one can’t get mad at him for taking advantage of the truth. So, he is probably one of the richest men because of his investing strategy. When it comes down to it, we know he pulled a very intelligent strategy off to perfection.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

We Googled You

Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Past Catching Up

This case specifically talks about a dilemma between Fred Westen, the CEO of retailer apparel Hathaway Jones, and Mimi Brewster, a shining star with dull spots, attempting to manage Fred Westen’s Business in China. Basically, Westen wants to expand his business with China and he needs a qualified person to run his business. Mimi Brewster is well overqualified for the particular position and she gets the interview and possibly has a chance to get the job. However, Mr. Westen’s colleague googled Ms. Brewster’s name and she finds out that Ms. Brewster has a past; which possibly could hurt the company in the long run.

Although, Ms. Brewster has a past in her career that could hurt the company; I would still hire for the job as a manager. Yes, she has a negative part in her life, but she also plenty of positive parts as well. One of course, she is qualified for the job unlike the other people that have been interviewed. Two, she has grew up in china so she knows about the tradition and culture. Last, I also wouldn’t want the competition to get a hold of her because I may regret it in the long run as well.

In conclusion, a successful business can’t be successful without a manager taking risk. Everything happens for a reason in life as well as business. Yes, she has baggage, but we all know everyone isn’t perfect. Nevertheless, I would give her the position for the job because my focus would be more about Ms Brewster bringing in the money. I believe that she would be more than capable of doing that so, if that is the only objective in running or expanding a business; why not hire Ms Brewster?

Multi-tasking causing problems

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Multi-tasking causing problems

Who would have thought technology could cause so many problems in so many environments? Many scientists believe it is the generation we are in because of the advancement of technology in the world today. On the other hand, people also think they can multi-task, but they fail to realize it is not helping the brain; it is hurting the brain. However, technology plays a big part in multi-tasking because of its involvement in the environment.

First, the video and article have similarities, which involve new devices. The article explains different individuals’ difficulties in unplugging. For example, Kord Campbell is one of the victims of being plugged up, and it seems to be affecting his relationship with his wife, Brenda Campbell. However, she is also a victim as well. Next, the video shows a handful of students attempting to multi-task while in the classroom.

Many of these students are very intelligent, but most of these students could be threatening their intelligence attempting to multi-task. While most of the students think they can manage, research tells otherwise. Research show tests that many individuals hurt their primary task at hand attempting to do another task so, the similarities are quite self explanatory in the article and video. People are being victimized by all of these fancy gadgets. Gadgets can be a helpful tool, but they can also be a major distraction more than less.

Nevertheless, the video and article have small differences in this particular situation. The video targets younger people being a victim of gadgets. While, the article focuses on more of seasoned people, the older generation. Both subjects attempt to multi-task in this particular situation, but the older generation uses the new technology for their careers. Whereas, the younger generation uses the new technology for social media, games, entertainment, etc.

In conclusion, I feel like it is only going to get worse. Although, I may be a victim of multi-tasking rarely, but I know when to unplug for something more important that comes up. However, technology is only going to be more advanced and more involved with people everyday lives. Some think it can’t get any more worse, but I believe it is going to be the most important; if not the only thing people have in their lives in the future.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Pets on Campus

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Pets on campus

Recently, a story in the New York Times stated that Stephens College is now opening up the campus to pets for upcoming students. They believe that it will help students adapt to an on-campus environment. Allison Frisch is among one of the thirty upcoming freshmen that asked to bring a pet with them to school.

Meanwhile, a small number of other schools also believe in students bringing pets on campus including: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, State University of New York at Canton, and Eckerd College. According to Dr. Harold S. Koplewicz, psychiatrist specializing in children and adolescents feels otherwise in the situation at hand. He feels it will slow transition down from high school to college. Also, according to his research feels like human interaction will decrease amazingly on campus as well.

Because, if one has an animal or shall we say pet in the dormitory then how will one interact with the other students on campus. On the other hand, pets do seem to relieve stress from a hard, long day of class or work. But, the truth is not only is this crazy this is also very dangerous. Unless, one can bring his or her pet to class which I think is impossible, no one can watch his or her pet while they are in class. A staff member or Residence Life Coordinator enters the room for an inspection and the pet gets out of the room then what can one do?

Last, we neglect to mention the health risk of other students, faculty, and staff on campus. Personally, I feel the pets should stay at home where they belong and not on campus with other students. If a student wants a pet to stay with them through the amazing college experience, then they should get a house or an apartment that allows pets within the living environment.